Thursday, December 4, 2014

Tap In

Did you know that in all reality you are already successful?  It is already a done deal.  You just need to tap into your success.  You are the only thing holding you back.  There is no one to blame but you.

How can you tap into your success?  I thought you would never ask.

As we have already discussed in previous posts, there are three main steps to become a Master of Success or a master of anything.  They are discovery, intention, and action.  Discover who you are and what you truly would like to accomplish in life.  Then get started.  Most people can't get past the first two and actually move into action.  They know what they want, but they do not truly understand who they are or what works best for them.  This leaves them stuck where they are because they do not know hot to process their goals and intentions.

Keep reading to learn how to get moving and tap into your success.

Who Am I And What The Heck Am I Doing Here?

My name is Tasha.  I am a 30 year old wife, mother and student.  I am currently attending classes at the University of Phoenix online to attain a Bachelor's degree in Psychology.  I am a grateful recovering addict.  It is only by God's Saving Grace I am clean and sober today.  When I felt God's love and saw His Mercy I had to have more.  In one second I made a choice to surrender my everything to gain His Everything!  This was the best decision I have ever made in my life.

For years I have felt the need to help others.  So I decided to study Psychology with emphasis in Substance Abuse.  I plan to become a Bible based counselor for those suffering from addiction.  My passions are God, my Family, Success, and Paying it Forward.

The University of Phoenix has one of the leading online campuses in the US.  They offer so many resources and tools to students it is almost a guaranteed win win situation.  Failure seems highly unlikely.

The student orientation resources were very helpful.  They suggested that students create a website and re-write what they were learning.  Since all the materials we would be learning could be molded to fit any situation.  So relate it to our life and passions and tell everyone.  They said to encourage group discussions so that we could learn the material even better by viewing other people's perspectives.  By doing all this, we are sure to learn the course materials and graduate with ease.

So here I am.  Very excited and praising God for what He is doing in my life.  Please be sure to leave your comments and suggestions under each post.  Thank you and God Bless.

Monday, December 1, 2014

7 Step Anti-Procrastination Plan

Step 1
Make it Meaningful.
What is important about  the task you have been putting off?  List all the benefits of completing the task. Be specific about the rewards for getting it done including your feeling when it is completed.

Step 2
Take it apart.
Break big jobs into a series of small ones you can do in 15 minutes or less.  Make a list of the smaller items and cross them off once completed so you can see your progress.

Step 3
Write an Intention Statement.
If you find it hard to get started on an item, write your intention in a more appealing or easier way. Carry this intention statement with you and post it somewhere that you will see it often.

Step 4
Tell everyone.
Publicly announce your intentions.  Tell your friends, spouse, parents, children, and anyone else you feel lead to tell.  Include anyone who will ask whether you have completed the task or ones that will make suggestions as to how to get it done.  Make the world your accountability partner or support group.

Step 5
Find a reward.
Reward yourself carefully.  Be willing to withhold rewards if you don't complete the task.  When you legitimately reap your reward notice how you feel.

Step 6
Settle it now.
Do it now.  The minute you notice yourself procrastinating, plunge into the task.  Be sure to savor the feeling of having the task behind you.

Step 7
Say no.
When you keep pushing a task into the low priority category, reexamine your purpose for doing that task at all.  If you realize that you really don't intend to do something, quit telling yourself that you will.  That is procrastination.  Just say no.

(Tip:  Pick a keyword and tie each one to a day of the week.)

Link Make it Meaningful to MONDAY
Link Take it apart to Tuesday
Link Write an intention statement to Wednesday
Link Tell everyone to Thursday
Link Find a reward to Friday
Link Settle it now to Saturday
Link Say no to Sunday

This trick reminds you that each day of the week is an opportunity to stop the cycle of procrastination.

Are You A Multi Tasker?

When we are busy we get tempted to do other things at the same time.  It seems like a natural solution to do two things at once.  There is a problem with this strategy.  Multi- tasking is way harder than it looks.  Despite the complexity of our brains, research shows we are basically wired to do one thing at a time.  Whenever possible, take life one task at  a time.

Develop the key quality, focused attention, by following these suggestions:

Unplug from technology.
To reduce the temptation to multi-task turn off distracting devices.  You can take a break later to do all these.  But when you do go online, have a clear intent and set a time to get off.

Capture fast breaking ideas with minimal interruption.
Your brain is an expert nagger.  After you choose to focus on one task, it may send reminders of 10 more things you need to get done.  Write these down on something.  This will allow your mind to calm down once it knows the task is captured in writing.

Handle interruptions with care.
Somethings are so urgent they demand your immediate attention.  Make a note of exactly what you were doing before being interrupted that way you can go right back to where you left of when you have attended to the urgent issue.

Commit to single tasking.
Planning helps.  Set a goal to keep your daily to do list short, 3 items max.  Focus on completing these one at a time.  When they are done you can work on other tasks.

Multi-task with skill.
If you have no alternative, multi-task as effectively as possible.  By pairing on activity that requires concentration with another activity that is almost effortless.

Align your activities with you passions.
Handling routine tasks is a vital part of everyday life.  However, if your attention wanders frequently you should ask yourself, "Am I really doing what I want to do?"  If the answer is no, you may need to make some changes.

Do You Know Your Values

Values are things in life that you want for their own sake.  They define who you want to be.  They also guide your moment by moment choices about what to do and what to have.

Values have little meaning if they do not change your daily behavior.  Oftentimes, people say they live life based on values, but they act in ways that contradicts this.  You can take charge of your life by clearly stating your values and then choose your actions carefully.  Do not be content with vague ideals and goals.  This leaves room for confusion, failure, and procrastination.

Becoming a Master of Success is based on a specific set of values:

1-Focused attention means being in the "here and now".  People with focused attention can be centered even in the midst of chaos.

2-Self responsibility means being the victor, not the victim.  In any circumstance, you choose how to respond.

3-Integrity means being someone people can count on.  Your words and actions always line up.  People can trust you to keep your agreements.

4-Risk taking means being willing to change.   Be open minded and courageous.

5-Contributing means being a person who finds their meaning in life by serving others.  They gain the knowledge and skills in order to give back to the world.

To help define your values, translate them into visible behaviors.  One way of doing this is to create your own Eulogy.  This is a detailed statement of how you want to be remembered when you die.  When it is written, set goals on what you will do to create that legacy.  This is not about focusing on death.  It is about choosing how to spend your time while alive.

What Time is It

Procrastination and lack of planning can easily undermine your success in life.  It affects everything you do.  Instead of procrastinating, focus on being in the "here and now". To be in the "here and now" means to do what you are doing when you are doing it.  It means being where you are when you are there. It is very common for our thoughts to distract us from where we want to be.  Sometimes technology is one of our main distractions.

Planning supports being in the here and now.  Goals are tools we create to guide our action in the present.  Time management techniques have only one purpose.  They reveal what is most important for you to focus on right now.

When you say you do not have enough time, you may really be trying to say that you are not spending the time you have in the way you want.

Time is an unusual commodity.  It cannot be saved.  It is a non renewable resource.  Time is perfectly content on remaining hidden until you are almost out of it.  And when you are out of time, you are out.  If you are out of money there are ways you can earn a little extra money.  If you are out of love, there is still hope.  But when you are out of time, that is it.  Time seems to pass at variable speeds.  Sometimes it crawls and other times it flies by like a speeding bullet.

Everything written about time management can be reduced to 3 main ideas.

These main ideas are:

1) Know exactly what you want.  State your wants as clear, specific goals.  Put them into writing.

2) Know how to get what you want.  Take actions to meet your goals.  Determine what you will do today to get what you want in the future.  Put these actions in writing, too.

3) Go for balance.  When our lives lack this quality, we  spend most of our time responding to the interruptions, last minute projects, and emergencies.

 Life feels like a scramble to survive.  We are so busy achieving someone else's goals that we forget about what we want.  Sometimes you may feel like everyone else controls your time.  Maybe this is not true.  So approach time like you are in control.

The ABC Daily To Do List

One of the most effective ways to stay on track and actually get things done is a  daily to do list.  An advantage of keeping a daily to do list is you do not have to remember what to do next.  It is on the list.  On busy days it is easy to forget tasks or become distracted.  Keep your tasks written down so you do not have to rely on your memory.

Use the following method when creating your daily to do list.  Rank items according to the level of importance A, B, or C.

Brainstorm tasks.
List all tasks you want to complete for the day.  Do not worry about the order or anything else.  Just list all the tasks.

Estimate time.
For each task listed, estimate how long it will take to complete.  Be sure to over estimate if you are unsure.  This leaves room for the unexpected.  Add up the time needed to complete all your tasks.  Also add up all the unscheduled hours.  Compare these two totals.  If you have 8 hours worth of to do list items and only 2 unscheduled hours to do it in, this is a potential problem.

Rate each task by priority.
To prevent over scheduling, decide which tasks are top priorities, given your time frame.
Simply label each task A,B, or C

A's are most critical.
B's are important but not critical and can be postponed for one day.
C's are the tasks that do not require immediate attention.
They are often small easy jobs with no set time line.  These can also be postponed.

Now schedule a time for all your A's.
B's and C's can be done randomly during the day when you are in between tasks.

Cross off activities.
Keep your list with you at all times.  Mark off items when they are done or add new tasks when you think of them.

At the end of the day evaluate your performance.  Look for A's you did not complete.   Look for items that are B's and C's and never get done.  Adjust your priorities before they become a problem.  When you are done evaluating start your list for the next day.  That way when you wake up you can start getting things done right away.

When it comes to to do list, one size does not fit all.  Another method I prefer is the 80/20 Method.  This method states that 80% of the value of your list comes from only 20% of the tasks listed.  So if you have a list with 10 items, choose 2 that will contribute most to your life today.  Complete these 2 tasks without fail.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Master of Success Process

There are 3 main phases in the Master of Success Process.
They are:
1.) Discovery
2.) Intention
3.) Action

Continue reading to learn how to use the process to become a Master of Success.


In this section I would like to show you one of the main tools I use.   When I start something new, I always resort back to the "Master of Success Process" and follow these steps.

 First, I will create a "Discovery Statement".

Discovery Statements help you to gain awareness of where you are-  your current thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.  You should use these statements to describe your strengths plus the aspects of your life you would like to change.

These statements sometimes capture an "Aha!" moment or a sudden flash of insight.

To get the most from your Discovery Statements, follow these guidelines:

  1. Record the specifics about your feelings, thoughts, and behavior.  Thoughts include your inner voices.  They also include mental pictures which are very powerful.  The act of writing these things down can trigger a flood of thoughts, so be ready!  Use these recorded thoughts to pinpoint exactly where and when you are most effective.  This is very important because you should dedicated this time to your most important tasks.  Also, observe your emotions and actions then record the facts.    For example, you have an assignment do the following day and you have known about it for a week but have failed to even begin working on it.  Instead of doing what you know you need to do, complete your assignments, you logged in to Facebook and chatted it up with your buddies for an hour.  Write it down.  Describe in detail how you felt while chatting then also add how you felt when you were unable to turn your completed assignment in.  This will help you to become honest about your actions and behaviors and will clearly show the areas in which you should focus on improving.
  2. Use discomfort as a signal.  Feeling uncomfortable, bored, or tired may be a sign that you are doing valuable work.  Don't let the feeling stand in the way of you completing the task you are working on.  Stick with it, follow through until the tasks has been completed.  Once you are done, you will feel a sense of satisfaction for not allowing discomfort to hinder your masterpiece.
  3. As you learn about yourself be gentle.  Refrain from self judging.  If you continually judge your behaviors as bad or stupid, your mind will stop making discoveries in order to avoid being abused.  Instead of focusing on your negatives, focus on all the positives.  Try to keep your mind fixed on the future success that is right around the corner.
  4. Tell the truth.  I have always loved the verse, "The truth will set you free."  I learned this verse at an early age and knew then that it was very significant in every aspect of life and success.  The closer you are to the truth, the more powerful your Discovery Statements are.  If you find yourself avoiding the truth, do not blame yourself.  Simply state the facts, and tell the truth about it.


Intention statements are about your commitment to take action.  Use them to describe how you will change your behavior and thinking.  Remember the act of writing things down has many positive outcomes.  In this case, writing it down will help you to focus energy on specific tasks and help aim at particular goals.  

To create Intention Statements that make a positive difference, follow these guidelines:

  1. Make your intentions observable.  Write your intentions in detail and be specific.  Don't be vague because clarity is what keeps you headed in the right direction.
  2. Make intentions small and achievable.  Give yourself a chance to succeed.  Set goals that you are able to meet.  Break large goals into small specific tasks that can be accomplished quickly.
  3. Anticipate self sabotage.  Be aware of what you might do. Whether it be consciously or unconsciously, don't let your own actions undermine your best intentions.
  4. Be careful with intentions that depend on other people.  Part of being a master of success is developing responsibility for yourself and your life.  My mom always said you can't depend on anyone but yourself and God.  If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.  Same goes here, do not rely on other people to achieve your goals.  Do it yourself.
  5. Set timelines.  Timelines are a great way to focus your attention.   They establish a clear picture of what you have been doing with your time.  They allow you to observe which times you were effective as well as the times when you were unable to make progress.
  6. Reward yourself.  This is so important.  I recently finished reading a book by my favorite author, Joyce Meyer.  It was called, Eat the Cookie, Buy the Shoes.  The entire book was focusing on this same thing.  You have to reward yourself sometimes.  When you work hard 24/7 to become a success, and you meet deadlines on time, you deserve a reward.  You can't keep working yourself to death without spending a little bit of time enjoying your accomplishments.  If you don't reward yourself, eventually you will loose interest in what you are doing and before you know it you will have quit!  Quitters never win, and winners never quit.  Go get that reward!

Life responds to what you do.  The action phase is where you jump off the page and into your life.  This is where the magic happens.
  • Discover the joy of Baby Steps.  Even simple changes in behavior can produce results.  Taking baby steps can move you into action with grace and ease.
  • If you are unsure about what to do, then tweak your intentions.  Make sure you include the specifics and be honest when describing what you actually do.
  • When you get stuck, tell the truth about it.
  • Look for prompts to action every where.

Now that you understand the different phases of the process, it is time to show you how they are all linked together.  Discovery Statements call for constant observation.  Intention Statements call for immediate course corrections.  Moving into action keeps you on course and headed in your desired direction.  Let me make this very clear, GETTING OFF COURSE IS NORMAL!  Do not worry if you accidentally veer from your plans, once you come to this realization, simply make the needed corrections and jump right back in like you never left at all!  I want to encourage you to keep on keeping on.  Success does not happen overnight!  It takes time!  Good luck and God Bless!

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Post Thanksgiving Update

As I sit here tonight, I have to say the nervousness has slipped into pure excitement.  I am no longer worried whether or not I will fail or succeed.  there is not a doubt in my mind that god has lead me to Higher education.  When I had the faith to trust His voice and register for the University of Phoenix, He stepped in.  He is in full control of my future and He promises to make a way for me!  He has taken the time out to place all the tools that I will need during this journey right where they need to be.  He has aligned my future with a carefully devised plan to give Him all the Glory!

I was able to print out my first class syllabus and the textbook.  With the online courses at the University of Phoenix your course textbooks are all online and they give you the option to print these textbooks for you own paper edition.  I have been reading the entire time and have truly learned a lot in the first 2 chapters.  There is no doubt that becoming a college student at the age of 30 will require a lot of determination and effort.  Thankfully, in my case, God has my back!  He will never leave me nor forsake me.  He will never put more on me than I can handle.  And no matter what He will always provide for me.  These promises fill my heart with peace and joy because they confirm that I am headed in the right direction.

Please continue to keep me in your prayers!  Thank you and God Bless

Friday, November 28, 2014

Do You Have What It Takes To Be A Master of Success?

Mastering means attaining a level of skill that goes beyond technique.  Whatever a master does, it is
effortless for the master.  They have become so familiar with the tools needed to achieve the level of
success anticipated that these tools have become a part of them.

There are several qualities that a master of success has.  These are attitudes and core values that these masters live by.  They don't have to try to be this way, it just comes natural.
They can also be described as "In the Zone".

A Master of Success is in full control of every aspect of their life.  They have a profound feeling of
satisfaction, timelessness, and well-being.  They are not easily distracted while working.  It's almost
as if time stops every time they start working on a new project.  For the master work is no longer work it's play.  After hours of patient practice, and countless feedback they have turned what used to be dull and dreadful into something that everyone desires.

Below I have made a list of the most important qualities that a Master of Success should possess.
However, these are not the only valuable qualities.  There are many more.  Continue reading to
discover if you have what it takes to be a Master of Success.

Key Qualities of a Master of Success

A Master of success is always curious.  They oftentimes are overly curious and can be referred to as
being nosy.  They question every aspect to generate the best possible outcome.

When you master something you become competent in the area.  This is a required quality.  You
can not be a master without being competent.

A Generalist:
Masters of success are interested in everything around them.  They develop a broad base of knowledge in many fields of interest that can apply to their specialties.

The master of success finds joy in everything that they do.  They are generally labelled as a happy
individual.  Even when faced with a setback, a master of success focuses on the good and not the
bad.  This ensures that they don't loose their joy.

Do you have a little "Pep in your Step"?  A master of success has determination.  They are
enthusiastic, involved and persistent.  They are not one to wait around for someone else to do what
they could already do better.

A master of success knows the importance of maintaining their health.  They value their body and
take care of it.  They treat their bodies with respect and are careful to tend to all aspects of their
wellness.  The master of success keeps a close eye on their emotional, physical, and spiritual health.

Self Aware:
Are you willing to honestly evaluate yourself and your behaviors? The master of success has no
problem admitting when they are wrong.  They always tell the truth about their strengths and their
needed improvements.

Masters of success are willing to take responsibility for EVERYTHING in their lives.  They will
even own up for events that the average person would most likely blame on someone else.  This is a
quality that sets them apart.  It separates the men from the boys.

To a master of success fear is not a weakness.  They embrace their fears.  To the master, it is just as
easy to ask for help as it is to offer it to another.  They don't let fear stand in their way.

The master of success is able to gather bits and pieces of knowledge from a variety of sources on a
wide range of subjects and then put it all together in a new way.  Their creativity allows them to
stand outside the box and take risks if they need to.

A master of success sees a setback as temporary and isolated.  They know that in the end they always have the choice as to how to respond to any problems they are faced with.  For them, their cup is always half full instead of half empty.

The master of success is truly in the here and now.  They are able to respond to the moment in fresh, surprising, and unplanned ways.

Masters of success have a natural appetite for knowledge.  They crave learning.  It's what they live for.

Self Directed:
For the master of success, their desire for knowledge comes from within.  They don't need motivation from others.  They set their own goals and follow through until they achieve them.

The master of success has an inner sense that cannot be explained by logic alone.  They have no problem trusting their gut instincts.

A master of success cares about knowledge and has a passion for ideas.  They care about people and actually appreciate learning from others.  They thrive on teams and flourish in a community that values win-win outcomes, cooperation and love.

Able to Focus Attention:
This is very important for a master of success.  Without the ability to focus your attention there is no chance for success.  The most common mistake an unsuccessful person makes is getting distracted.  Distractions keep you from achieving your goals.

Able to Organize and Sort:
A master of success has the guts to create big goals along with the precision to plan carefully in order to achieve them.  They have a rare ability to sift through ideas and discover what works and what doesn't and organize a strategy to get what they want.

Able to Suspend Judgement:
The master of success does not let judgement stand in the way of learning.  They always have their opinions but they also know when to let go of them.

Willing to Change:
Masters of success always welcome and embrace new ideas and strategies for success.  If they were not willing to change they would still be the same way they were when their journey to success began.

Willing to Take Risks:
Change requires a person to take risks.  A master of success always welcomes the risk of a challenge.  Without risks there would be no change.  Without change there would be no success.

Willing to Participate:
A master of success will never be seen on the sidelines.  They are team players that can be counted on when they commit to something.  A master of success will always follow through.

Willing to Accept Paradox:
To understand this quality we must understand the meaning of the word paradox.  Paradox originates from the Greek words, Para(beyond) and Doxen(opinion).  A paradox is something that is beyond opinions.  It may be something that seems contradictory or absurd, but it actually has meaning.

Willing to be Uncomfortable:
The master of success can endure personal hardships and have the ability to look at unpleasant things with detachment.  They can be in tight spots without letting it get to them.  They work well under pressure.

Willing to Laugh:
A master of success can laugh at any given moment.  The best part is they can even laugh at themselves.

Willing to Work:
Once a master of success in inspired they will follow through with blood, sweat, and tears.  Genius and creativity are results of persistence and work.

Tech Savvy:
Masters of success define technology as any tool used to achieve a human purpose.  They are never overwhelmed with unfamiliar technologies.  Most importantly, they know when and how to go "offline" and fully engage with their personal community of friends, family, colleagues, etc....

Do you possess some of these qualities?  Have you discovered that there are some areas you would like to work on?  Read this list of qualities again and put a "x" by the qualities that you already have and a "*" by the ones that you need to invest more time into.  Set a goal to work towards attaining those qualities that you lack and stick to it.  Be sure to continually observe your progress in order to find out what works for you and what doesn't work for you.  Something may work for this person but doesn't work for you.  That is the beauty of mastering your success.  It is yours and the tools you used are unique to you.  I hope that this helps you to become the master of success you have always had the dreams of being.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

What is a Master of Success?

By now I am sure many of you are asking the question...

What is a Master of Success?

Well, in short, this is a person that has become a master at being successful.

 Let me explain.

A master is someone who is experienced, trained, qualified, and proficient in a certain area or ideal.

For example, a master painter is a painter that has worked at this occupation for several years and has attained the necessary skills to master the trade.
They don't have to think about the actions they are performing.
  Work almost seems fun for them.
  They move beyond others and they do it with such ease it's obvious they are experts at what they do.

So a master of success must be someone that is an expert at succeeding or being successful.
 This person has spent ample time testing and trying methods to discover what works for them.
  They are in tune with who they are and what they want to do in life.
  They know where they are going.
  These are "Goal Oriented" people who strive to be excellent in every aspect of their lives.
  They set goals and then make a plan that utilizes their skills and accomplishes every task required of them in order to achieve the goal that was set.

  These are the people that say what they mean and do what they say.

Do you think you have what it takes to be a Master of Success?

 There are several qualities that masters of success possess.  They are attitudes and core values that are incorporated into a working solution for every aspect of life they experience.


Becoming a Master of Success


Save yourself from making the same mistakes you always do and expecting different results.  Using a few key strategies you will be able to set up a life long pattern for success.  What if you could use a few elements in this book to more consistently get what you want in life?
You can, and you will.  You can use these strategies to change any habit, learn about any subject, and acquire new skills.  
First you must understand that a master has certain qualities these are attitudes and core values.  These qualities are ways of being exceptional.  
Next you need to discover what you want.  Without a clear goal for the future you will leave yourself with plenty of room for not succeeding.  Knowing where you want to go and what you expect to get out of it increases our probability of reaching the goals we have made.  
Lastly you need to take action.  Stop procrastinating and get up and get what you want!  Be the success you know you are able to be.

Key Qualities of a Master of Success:
  • inquisitive
  • focused
  • willing to change
  • able to organize and sort
  • competent
  • joyful
  • able to suspend judgement
  • energetic
  • well
  • self aware
  • responsible
  • willing to take risks
  • willing to participate
  • a generalist
  • willing to accept paradox
  • courageous
  • self directed
  • spontaneous
  • relaxed about grades
  • Tech saavy
  • intuitive
  • creative 
  • willing to be uncomfortable
  • optimistic
  • willing to laugh
  • hungry
  • willing to work
  • caring

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Don't Dig Your Own Grave

There is a nation wide epidemic of drug abuse.  In a 2008 report, there was estimated to be over 24 million people abusing drugs.  At least 13 million people over the age of 12 years old admitted to using meth.  To me that is very scary.  My daughter is 12 years old.  I couldn't begin to imagine having to see her struggling with addiction.

I was 14 when I used meth for the first time.  I loved it.  I wish I had known then that it would take 16 years of my life away.
 I wish someone would have told me it would destroy my life and everything else in it's path.

 I oftentimes wonder, what if someone would have told me, would I have cared?

 Probably not.

Meth has it's way of controlling the user.  It turns you into someone completely different than who they were.

It's almost like being possessed by a demonic force when I think back and remember the way I was before using, during using, and after using.

In 2006 I started attending a faith based 12 step recovery program called Walking the 12 Steps With Jesus.

 After loosing 6 people that I loved to the drug in less than a year I felt like I had to do something to change the future.  There had to be a way that I could make a difference.

I remained clean and sober for 4 years.

In 2010, I found myself in relapse and using meth again.  I knew what I was doing was wrong, and honestly I didn't want to be doing it.  But for some reason beyond my comprehension I continued to use.  I struggled and suffered day to day and finally hit bottom.

 I found myself not caring if I lived another day.  This is when I cried out to Jesus and honestly asked Him for deliverance.

I immediately felt a sense of being forgiven.  I felt like all the mistakes I had made in the past didn't matter as much as they did just seconds before.
The guilt I had for dragging my kids through the horrible life I was living was no longer there.

 I knew then that God had saved me.
He wanted me to follow Him.
 He wanted me to have a life worth living.
He wanted me to lead others like me to Him.

That following week I started attending regular meetings again.
 I also decided to attend a church where I new the pastor had been delivered from a meth addiction and called to preach.  I became a member the next week and I am there every time the doors are open.

 I know that it is by God's grace and mercy that I am clean and sober today.  I am here to tell you that He is the only way to change your life.  Sure there are plenty of other options that you could try.  But His way is the only real cure for our addiction.

 Without having a relationship with Christ, I know I would be back on the streets getting high and being miserable.

Maybe you are just like me.

 Maybe you are sick of living in misery.

 Maybe you have been searching for an answer.

If that is the case then I truly believe God has brought you to my page today.

He has heard your crying,

 He knows you are hurting and He wants to help you.

 All you have to do is admit that you are a sinner.
Admit that you need Him to restore your life back to sanity.
  Believe that He is able to take everything and work it out for you.
 Believe that He loves you and wants you.
Pray for Him to save you right where you are.

 Don't put it off any longer.

So many of you are stuck in addiction because you keep telling yourself you will get saved when you get your life in order.  This is a common misconception for many addicts.
We can not get our lives in order.
 Only after we accept God as our Lord and Savior is this possible.
God will restore you to sanity and He wants to save you right where you are.

Are you ready to become a Follower of Christ?

All you have to do is Pray and Obey!
Good luck and God Bless!

Hello World

Hi everyone and thanks for stopping in to read my blog.  I would like to start by telling you a little bit about myself.  I am 30 years old.  I recently got married to the best guy a girl could ever have.  We are happily married and have 4 kids.  I am a grateful recovering addict and am blessed to be clean and sober after 14 years of insanity.  My drug of choice was marijuana and meth.  I am proud to say that God has delivered me from drug addiction and He can deliver you, too.  There is nothing that is too big for Him to handle.  All you have to do is pray, believe, and walk in obedience by submitting to God's will for your life.  It's that simple.
I have found that attending regular faith based 12 step recovery meetings is another very important step in guaranteeing your sobriety.  I have chaired a Walking the 12 Steps With Jesus Christ 12 Step Recovery group for 6 years.  I love the group, and the program!  Part of recovery is taking what you have learned and using it to help others who still struggle with addiction.  I have recently decided to stop saying no to God's will for my life and enrolled in college.  I have to say that I am a little scared.  I am 30 years old and have been out of school for 12 years.  But, I have known for 6 years that God was calling me to lead others to Christ through addiction counseling and I have let my fears hold me back all these years.  So finally I am stepping out of my comfort zone and taking a chance.  I know that with God's help I will be more than okay.
Today I created a campaign on in the hopes that I could get some help with my tuition.  I have another friend in recovery that used this site to pay for her Master's Degree and she suggested that I give it a try.  So I did.  After I finished the campaign creation, I shared the link in a few of my favorite facebook recovery groups.  I shared the link thinking that the members of the group would be happy to share, and I thought they would offer encouragement.  But, instead of encouragement, they only shot me down.  I deleted the posts and apologized for offending them.
I really can't see how anyone could take offense in me sharing my dream and my need for help in achieving this dream.  Anyhow...  I would like to share the link with you all.  Maybe you all can check out my campaign and leave your comments.  If you would like to share it and help me reach my goal that would be awesome.  Thank you.  CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE
I will continue to pray for you all and I ask that you all continue to pray for me.  Remember, it works if you work it!!!