Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Master of Success Process

There are 3 main phases in the Master of Success Process.
They are:
1.) Discovery
2.) Intention
3.) Action

Continue reading to learn how to use the process to become a Master of Success.


In this section I would like to show you one of the main tools I use.   When I start something new, I always resort back to the "Master of Success Process" and follow these steps.

 First, I will create a "Discovery Statement".

Discovery Statements help you to gain awareness of where you are-  your current thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.  You should use these statements to describe your strengths plus the aspects of your life you would like to change.

These statements sometimes capture an "Aha!" moment or a sudden flash of insight.

To get the most from your Discovery Statements, follow these guidelines:

  1. Record the specifics about your feelings, thoughts, and behavior.  Thoughts include your inner voices.  They also include mental pictures which are very powerful.  The act of writing these things down can trigger a flood of thoughts, so be ready!  Use these recorded thoughts to pinpoint exactly where and when you are most effective.  This is very important because you should dedicated this time to your most important tasks.  Also, observe your emotions and actions then record the facts.    For example, you have an assignment do the following day and you have known about it for a week but have failed to even begin working on it.  Instead of doing what you know you need to do, complete your assignments, you logged in to Facebook and chatted it up with your buddies for an hour.  Write it down.  Describe in detail how you felt while chatting then also add how you felt when you were unable to turn your completed assignment in.  This will help you to become honest about your actions and behaviors and will clearly show the areas in which you should focus on improving.
  2. Use discomfort as a signal.  Feeling uncomfortable, bored, or tired may be a sign that you are doing valuable work.  Don't let the feeling stand in the way of you completing the task you are working on.  Stick with it, follow through until the tasks has been completed.  Once you are done, you will feel a sense of satisfaction for not allowing discomfort to hinder your masterpiece.
  3. As you learn about yourself be gentle.  Refrain from self judging.  If you continually judge your behaviors as bad or stupid, your mind will stop making discoveries in order to avoid being abused.  Instead of focusing on your negatives, focus on all the positives.  Try to keep your mind fixed on the future success that is right around the corner.
  4. Tell the truth.  I have always loved the verse, "The truth will set you free."  I learned this verse at an early age and knew then that it was very significant in every aspect of life and success.  The closer you are to the truth, the more powerful your Discovery Statements are.  If you find yourself avoiding the truth, do not blame yourself.  Simply state the facts, and tell the truth about it.


Intention statements are about your commitment to take action.  Use them to describe how you will change your behavior and thinking.  Remember the act of writing things down has many positive outcomes.  In this case, writing it down will help you to focus energy on specific tasks and help aim at particular goals.  

To create Intention Statements that make a positive difference, follow these guidelines:

  1. Make your intentions observable.  Write your intentions in detail and be specific.  Don't be vague because clarity is what keeps you headed in the right direction.
  2. Make intentions small and achievable.  Give yourself a chance to succeed.  Set goals that you are able to meet.  Break large goals into small specific tasks that can be accomplished quickly.
  3. Anticipate self sabotage.  Be aware of what you might do. Whether it be consciously or unconsciously, don't let your own actions undermine your best intentions.
  4. Be careful with intentions that depend on other people.  Part of being a master of success is developing responsibility for yourself and your life.  My mom always said you can't depend on anyone but yourself and God.  If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.  Same goes here, do not rely on other people to achieve your goals.  Do it yourself.
  5. Set timelines.  Timelines are a great way to focus your attention.   They establish a clear picture of what you have been doing with your time.  They allow you to observe which times you were effective as well as the times when you were unable to make progress.
  6. Reward yourself.  This is so important.  I recently finished reading a book by my favorite author, Joyce Meyer.  It was called, Eat the Cookie, Buy the Shoes.  The entire book was focusing on this same thing.  You have to reward yourself sometimes.  When you work hard 24/7 to become a success, and you meet deadlines on time, you deserve a reward.  You can't keep working yourself to death without spending a little bit of time enjoying your accomplishments.  If you don't reward yourself, eventually you will loose interest in what you are doing and before you know it you will have quit!  Quitters never win, and winners never quit.  Go get that reward!

Life responds to what you do.  The action phase is where you jump off the page and into your life.  This is where the magic happens.
  • Discover the joy of Baby Steps.  Even simple changes in behavior can produce results.  Taking baby steps can move you into action with grace and ease.
  • If you are unsure about what to do, then tweak your intentions.  Make sure you include the specifics and be honest when describing what you actually do.
  • When you get stuck, tell the truth about it.
  • Look for prompts to action every where.

Now that you understand the different phases of the process, it is time to show you how they are all linked together.  Discovery Statements call for constant observation.  Intention Statements call for immediate course corrections.  Moving into action keeps you on course and headed in your desired direction.  Let me make this very clear, GETTING OFF COURSE IS NORMAL!  Do not worry if you accidentally veer from your plans, once you come to this realization, simply make the needed corrections and jump right back in like you never left at all!  I want to encourage you to keep on keeping on.  Success does not happen overnight!  It takes time!  Good luck and God Bless!

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