Monday, December 1, 2014

7 Step Anti-Procrastination Plan

Step 1
Make it Meaningful.
What is important about  the task you have been putting off?  List all the benefits of completing the task. Be specific about the rewards for getting it done including your feeling when it is completed.

Step 2
Take it apart.
Break big jobs into a series of small ones you can do in 15 minutes or less.  Make a list of the smaller items and cross them off once completed so you can see your progress.

Step 3
Write an Intention Statement.
If you find it hard to get started on an item, write your intention in a more appealing or easier way. Carry this intention statement with you and post it somewhere that you will see it often.

Step 4
Tell everyone.
Publicly announce your intentions.  Tell your friends, spouse, parents, children, and anyone else you feel lead to tell.  Include anyone who will ask whether you have completed the task or ones that will make suggestions as to how to get it done.  Make the world your accountability partner or support group.

Step 5
Find a reward.
Reward yourself carefully.  Be willing to withhold rewards if you don't complete the task.  When you legitimately reap your reward notice how you feel.

Step 6
Settle it now.
Do it now.  The minute you notice yourself procrastinating, plunge into the task.  Be sure to savor the feeling of having the task behind you.

Step 7
Say no.
When you keep pushing a task into the low priority category, reexamine your purpose for doing that task at all.  If you realize that you really don't intend to do something, quit telling yourself that you will.  That is procrastination.  Just say no.

(Tip:  Pick a keyword and tie each one to a day of the week.)

Link Make it Meaningful to MONDAY
Link Take it apart to Tuesday
Link Write an intention statement to Wednesday
Link Tell everyone to Thursday
Link Find a reward to Friday
Link Settle it now to Saturday
Link Say no to Sunday

This trick reminds you that each day of the week is an opportunity to stop the cycle of procrastination.


  1. Great post! I'm such a procrastinator and this is really helpful!

  2. You are not alone. Thanks for the comment be sure to share with your friends.

  3. Great suggestions! I am a procrastinator myself, I will put these to the test.
